Support Staff Council

Welcome to the Support Staff Council Home Page
The purpose of the Council is to provide a vehicle for Support Non-Exempt Employees to review policies, procedures and work-related concerns that impact this specific group of employees as well as recommend changes favorable to the employees and Miami Dade College. The Council is the official voice for Full-time Support Non-Exempt Employees and constitutes the primary channel for staff representation.
Name | Title | Telephone | Area |
Samaria Prieto | President | 305-237-6163 | Student Life |
Ronald Estrada | Vice-President | 305-237-6109 | Mail Room |
Officers | |||
Edwin Ramos | Secretary | 305-237-6047 | Bursar |
Katherine Giron | Treasurer | 305-237-6271 | New Student Services |
Kevin Fino | Representative | 305-237-6271 | New Student Services |
Elena Simon | Parliamentarian | 305-237-6488 | Trio |
* The Padrón Campus Support Staff Council meets every 3rd Wednesday from 2:30 pm until 3:30 pm virtually on Microsoft Teams. Please contact anyone of the council members for the meeting link. All are welcome to attend.