Testing and Assessment

CLEP - College-Level Examination Program

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), unlike Advanced Placement, is not built around a curriculum, but rather is designed to test students' knowledge on a variety of college-level subjects, regardless of where they may have learned the material. CLEP exams are developed by committees of college faculty who design questions based on what is typically covered in lower-level college courses and who set passing standards for the exams (scores are no longer based on studies of student performance in college courses). With the new computer-based tests, new questions are constantly being added, especially in rapidly-changing fields such as Computer Science. The typical passing score on computer-based CLEP exams for general education purposes is 50, although paper and pencil versions will be different.

Under certain circumstances, arrangements for auxiliary aids and modifications are permissible. The College makes every reasonable effort to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and experiences for candidates with documented disabilities. These services can include:

  • Sign language interpreters
  • Adaptive or assistive technology
  • Note takers
  • and more

An ACCESS representative can help eligible candidates identify and arrange for accommodations that ensure success.

Instructions for Auxiliary Aids and Modifications:

  1. Candidate presents documentation to ACCESS department.
  2. ACCESS department intakes documentation.
  3. Accommodations are determined.
  4. ACCESS department informs Testing Center about candidate's accommodations.
  5. Candidate contacts Testing Center to schedule the test with accommodations.
  6. Testing Center plans for accommodated testing needs.
  7. Candidate tests.

CLEP Equivalency Chart

Note: CLEP scores from remote proctoring sessions are accepted at MDC.

To view charts from previous years, please visit our Equivalency Archives.

Miami Dade College uses the minimum scores, credits, and guidelines for awarding credit for exams established by the State of Florida's Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). For additional information please review State Rule 6A-10.024 (8) and visit the Florida Department of Education - Articulation web page and click on the ACC Credit-by-Exam List link located in the Credit-by-Examination section.

All Credit-by-Exams are processed as transcripts. Below is the College's contact information for processing and evaluating transcripts.

Miami Dade College - Transcript Processing Services   

  • 11011 S.W. 104 Street, Room R301 
  • Miami, Florida 33176-3393
  • Phone: (305) 237-2701
  • Fax: (305) 237-2796
  • E-mail:transcriptservices@mdc.edu
  • Website:www.mdc.edu/transcripts

Evaluation Services Office

  • Phone: (305) 237-0440
  • E-mail: evaluationservices@mdc.edu
  • Website: www.mdc.edu/transcripts

Who should CLEP examinees contact if they did not indicate a score recipient institution at the time of testing?

Candidates should send an email to clep@info.collegeboard.org and include the information below. There is no fee if the request is made within a 30 day period of taking the exam.

  • Complete name, date of birth, address, phone number, and the last four digits of their social security number.
  • Where and when the examinee took the test.
  • Name and address of the recipient institution.

CLEP Score Retention Policy

Effective July 1, 2022, CLEP exam scores will be kept on file for 10 years. This new policy applies to any exams scored on or after this date. Students who took CLEP exams prior to the new policy taking effect on July 1 can still contact CLEP Services to request scores for exams taken up to 20 years ago.

If you have questions, email clep@collegeboard.org with Changes to CLEP Score Retention in the subject line.

You may not retake an exam of the same title within three months of the initial testing date. If you retake the exam within the three-month period, your administration will be considered invalid, your score will be canceled, and any test fees will be forfeited.

Location Available Day and Time
Hialeah Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R 
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM           
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Homestead Testing
By Online Appointments F                 
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Kendall Testing
Building R, 5th Floor
By Online Appointments T, R
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Medical Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W    
Varies by date
North Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Padrón Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
West Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R, F
Varies by date
Wolfson Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Contact a Testing and Assessment location, where we would be glad to help you!

Note:  Examinees must be checked-in and seated by the time scheduled in order to begin the test. Examinees will then have adequate time to finish the test in a reasonable period or within the Hours of Operation.

The following are links to resources for students to prepare for the CLEP:

Miami Dade College - Library

  • The CLEP Official Study Guide is available for review at MDC Library.

Modern States

The College Board

Description PAY FEE
Credit by exam (all attempts).  MDC $35
Payments to CLEP are due prior your scheduled test date.
Note: The $95 CLEP payment is made online through the publisher's
website at clep.collegeboard.org.


DANTES-funded military and military approved candidates (first
attempt only).
Note: DANTES Military personnel, spouses and civilian employees of
Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Army Reserve, Coast Guard (active and
reserve); may be eligible for DANTES-Funded CLEP Exams. For more
information please visit the CLEP Military Benefits website.


Please visit the Testing Fees webpage for additional information and test specific fees.