REVEST provides educational and support services to asylees, refugees, Cuban/Haitian Entrants, and beneficiaries of Humanitarian Parole (Venezuelans and Nicaraguans not eligible for ORR benefits), Ukrainians and Afghans with Humanitarian Parole and Victims of Trafficking in order to reach their personal, academic and professional goals. Who qualifies for REVEST services? Please view eligibility criteria here.
If you think you are eligible:
- Come to our REVEST offices and bring documents that show your eligibility. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- An advisor will check your documents and will start the Intake process to be admitted to the program.
- The REVEST Program offers multiple levels of ESOL classes.
- All Students must take the CASAS test (an English placement test prior to registration to determine instructional level).
- Each ESOL level lasts 16 weeks.
- Books are distributed FREE to students.
- Each ESOL Level has a Post CASAS at the end of the term.
- Students who have completed level 3 or higher maybe eligible for Vocational Adult Education courses.
- Entry into the Vocational Adult Program requires a TABE test
- REVEST also offer Scholarships to eligible students for English Language instruction on some specific locations.
REVEST offers vocational courses which include Career Technical Certificate (CTEC), Continuing Workforce Education (CWE), and College Credit Certificate (CCC). Please visit our Vocational Training page for more information.
Additional Services
Transportation Assistance
REVEST students can ride transit as part of the College Discount Program. Students need to download the GO Miami Dade Transit application. Create an account with their MDC account and purchase the monthly pass via the app. Then fill a reimbursement form to get reimbursed. For more information refer to the assigned advisor.
Only students registered in classes with a minimum frequency of 4 times a week are eligible – no more than two absences per month are allowed. Students whose classes meet 5 times a week, may not have more than 3 absences per month.
Transcriptions / Evaluation Transcriptions
The cost of translation and evaluation of credentials granted abroad will be reimbursed to eligible applicants at 100% of the total cost. Students must submit their application for reimbursement at the REVEST offices.
Job Reference
Participants will be referred to Comprehensive Refugee Services Providers (CRS) for assistance with employment. New clients should visit their Service Providers and bring the REVEST referral form with confirmation of the Refugee Services assessment completed and checked on referral before registering for classes.
Participants will be referred to local child care centers who will provide free care to those who are eligible.
Each MDC student must have a valid ID card. To get an ID card, you must register for classes and have a valid schedule. The instructor of your course in the REVEST Program will give you an official schedule the first day of classes. To obtain an ID card, bring the valid schedule to the Office of Student Life where you will be photographed and verified as a college student.
Garage / Parking
Free parking for MDC students. You must show a valid ID or schedule when accessing parking facilities.
ADA "Americans with Disability ACT"
We offer free assistance to eligible students with disabilities through the ACCESS program at Miami Dade College. You can contact the ACCESS department to make any accommodations for disability.
For more information visit: MDC ACCESS
Rules of Procedure
Attendance Policy
- Students must notify teachers and counselors of absences.
- Students are responsible for all homework assignments, even if they miss a class.
- Students will be dropped from the class after three consecutive absences without notice.
Settlement Policy
Students will not be allowed to re-register after dropping a class twice. Exceptions will be considered by the program director on a case-by-case basis.