About Physical Sciences at MDC Kendall Campus
Welcome to the Department of Physical Sciences at Kendall Campus. We offer over three dozen different lecture and laboratory courses for both science and non-science students. Our classes include Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth Science, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics, and Physical Science.

Math/Science Study Center
The Math/Science Study Center offers tutoring in Mathematics (except College Prep), Chemistry, Physics, and Biology/Earth Science courses. No appointment is needed, students are helped on a first-come first-served basis.

Physical Science Resources
The Chemistry department is located in Building 3, Room 3291.

Earth Science Museum
Explore an extensive collection of rocks and minerals from around the world, South Florida archaeological artifacts, meteorological stations, maps and oceanographic displays, and more. Demonstrations and seminars provided upon request. Located in room 3151-3167.
Faculty and Staff
Name | Position | Phone | Room | |
Dr. Philip E. Patterson | Department Chairperson |
305-237-2609 | 3293 | ppatters@mdc.edu |
Ms. Yaneidy Guzman | Assistant to the Chair | 305-237-2493 | 3294 | yrodrig1@mdc.edu |
Ms. Susan Blumenthal | Secretary | 305-237-2545 | 3291 | sblument@mdc.edu |
Mr. Frantzy Germain | Lab Manager | 305-237-2770 | 3105 | fgermai1@mdc.edu |
Full Time Faculty
Name | Position | Phone | Room | |
Dr. Julia Diaz-Consul | Chemistry | 305-237-2590 | 3291-10 | jdiazcon@mdc.edu |
Dr. Dionne Gil | Chemistry | 305-237-2147 | 3291-07 | dgil@mdc.edu |
Dr. Marta E. Goicoechea-Pappas | Chemistry | 305-237-0848 | 3212-10 | mgoicoec@mdc.edu |
Dr. Georgina Hart | Chemistry | 305-237-2589 | 3212-11 | ghart@mdc.edu |
Prof. Javiera Hernandez | Earth Sciences | 305-237-2879 | 3291-02 | jherna37@mdc.edu |
Prof. Lawrence Mailloux | Chemistry | 305-237-2491 | 3291-16 | lmaillou@mdc.edu |
Dr. Michael McGauley | Physics and Earth Sciences |
305-237-2687 | 3291-12 | mmcgaule@mdc.edu |
Dr. Servando Muñoz | Chemistry | 305-237-0849 | 3291-01 | smunoz@mdc.edu |
Dr. José Orta | Astronomy and Physics |
305-237-2588 | 3212-09 | jorta@mdc.edu |
Dr. Soumia Souchak | Physics | 305-237-2763 | 3291 -09 | ssouchak@mdc.edu |
Dr. Flavia Wald | Chemistry and BioChemistry |
305-237-2630 | 3291-08 | fwald@mdc.edu |
Adjunct Faculty
Name | Position | Phone | Room | |
Armando Acha | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2591 | 3291 | aacha@mdc.edu |
Ximena Barrietos | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | xbarrie1@mdc.edu |
Jorge Casal Mirones | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | jcasalsm@mdc.edu |
Ana Ciereszko | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | acieresz@mdc.edu |
Carlos Fernandez | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | cfernan9@mdc.edu |
Victor Fernandez | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | vfernan6@mdc.edu |
Ariana Garcia-Minsal | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2763 | 3291 | agarciam@mdc.edu |
Urooj Khan | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | ukhan@mdc.edu |
Jose Lagomasino Carreras | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | jlagoma1@mdc.edu |
Reinaldo Lopez Planes | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | Rlopez2@mdc.edu |
Jorge Morales | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | Jmoral7@mdc.edu |
Ozlem Orhun | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | oorhun@mdc.edu |
Miguel Otero Rambla | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | moterora@mdc.edu |
Jorge Caraballo Pacheco | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | jpacheco@mdc.edu |
Lazaro Pino Rivero | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | lpinoriv@mdc.edu |
Aldo Ramirez Duveger | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | aramire7@mdc.edu |
Francisco Marcos Reguera | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | freguera@mdc.edu |
Tania Sureda | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | tsureda@mdc.edu |
Dania Trista Aguilera | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | dtristaa@mdc.edu |
Paul Wieser | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | pwieser@mdc.edu |
Joseph Boyle | Adjunct Faculty | 305-237-2492 | 3291 | jboyle@mdc.edu |