About the Mathematics Department at MDC Kendall Campus
The mission of the Mathematics Department of Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus, is to support the college in its efforts to provide a high-quality education by keeping the diversity of our learners and their needs at the center of our decision-making with regard to curriculum, instruction, support, and assessment. Specifically, the Kendall Campus Mathematics Department supports a vision that is based upon the vital importance of the first years of collegiate mathematics education-an education that prepares the learner for a future role in society by engaging him or her in instruction that includes fluency, understanding, reasoning, and communication skills needed to comprehend mathematics and its applications. Scientifically and technologically literate, the learner becomes a resourceful problem solver ready to make educated personal and professional decisions, and amply prepared to contribute to the improvement of our global society.
Mathematics Resources

Math Tutoring Lab
We provide free tutoring for students currently enrolled in a MDC math course. Tutoring services are by appointment and tutors can be reserved up to a week in advance.

SMART Action Plan
If you are registering for a course for the third or fourth time, you will need to complete a SMART Action Plan and have it approved by the academic department.
Contact Information
Name | Phone | Room | |
Antonio Alfonso | (305) 237-2449 | 3245-13 | aalfons2@mdc.edu |
Leandro Alvarez | (305) 237-2736 | 3212-19 | lalvare2@mdc.edu |
Maria Alvarez | (305) 237-2739 | 3245-14 | malvare1@mdc.edu |
Anubis De lama Li | (305) 237-2317 | 3245-03 | adelamal@mdc.edu |
Luis Beltran, Ph.D. | (305) 237-0622 | 3245-12 | lbeltran@mdc.edu |
Keysner Boet, Ph.D. | (305) 237-0349 | 3212-06 | kboet@mdc.edu |
Roberto Cabezas, Ph.D. | (305) 237-2517 | 3232-06 | rcabezas@mdc.edu |
Justina Castellanos, Ph.D. | (305) 237-2475 | 3212-02 | jcastel2@mdc.edu |
Laurence Chernoff | (305) 237-2213 | 3212-14 | lchernof@mdc.edu |
Alina Coronel | (305) 237-0358 | 3245-16 | acoronel@mdc.edu |
Nelson De La Rosa, Ph.D. | (305) 237-2453 | 3245-02 | ndelaro1@mdc.edu |
Misael Delgado | (305) 237-0643 | 3245-04 | mdelgad2@mdc.edu |
Lourdes Gonzalez, Ph.D. | (305) 237-2359 | 3212-16 | lgonzal2@mdc.edu |
Eric Hernandez, Ph.D. | (305) 237-0336 | 3212-03 | eherna13@mdc.edu |
Nancy Liu | (305) 237-0334 | 3212-01 | nliu@mdc.edu |
Maria Montes De Oca | (305) 237-0437 | 3245-08 | mmontesd@mdc.edu |
Mathew Page | (305) 237-0324 | 3245-06 | mpage@mdc.edu |
Juan Prieto-Valdes, Ph.D. | (305) 237-2459 | 3245-01 | jprietov@mdc.edu |
Adelaida Quesada | (305) 237-2628 | 3245-11 | aquesada@mdc.edu |
Abdel-Rida Saleh | (305) 237-0332 | 3245-15 | asaleh@mdc.edu |
Luis Saumell, Ph.D. | (305)237-2329 | 3245-09 | lsaumel2@mdc.edu |
Gohar Sargsyan | (305) 237-2894 | 3212-04 | gsargsya@mdc.edu |
David Tseng | (305) 237-0562 | 3212-05 | dtseng@mdc.edu |
Name | Position | |
Nicholas Schur | Department Chair | nschur@mdc.edu |
Jean Carrillo | Assistant to the Chair | jcarril1@mdc.edu |
Natalie Jimenez | Department Secretary | njimenez@mdc.edu |
Isabel Bercande Blanco | Academic Math Lab Manager |
Name | Phone | Room | |
Maria Teresa Alonso | malonso5@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Taymara Aguila | taguilab@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Alexis Alum Morales | aalummor@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Claudia Alves Dasilva | calvesbr@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Dongmei An | dan@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Maria Arias-Gonzalez | marisgo@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Adele Berger | aberger@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Yamilet Cespedes | ycespede@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Andres Cubas | acubas@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Lazaro Diaz | ldiaz10@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
David Ferrare | dferrare@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Lourdes Gutierrez-Barrios | lgutier1@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Julie Hardy | jhardy@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Arnold Kaplan | akaplan1@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Anita Kilmer | akilmer@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Isabelle Kumar | ikumar@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Hua Li | hli@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Yi-Shien Lo | ylo@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Giovanni Lorenzo | glorenzo@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Martha Monteavaro | mmonteav@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Rafael Monteavaro | rmonteav@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Kora Morales | kguerrer@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Francisco Montes de Oca | fmontesd@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Maria Padin-Arshad | mpadinar@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Bernardo Pestano | bpestano@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Idania Pestano | ipestano@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Randy Rotundo | rrotundo@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Nadir Saad | nsaad@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
George Samani | gsamani@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Eduardo Sanchez | esanch11@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Ruben Sierra | rsierra3@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Roberto Silva | rsilva@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |
Kelly Vargas | kvargas@mdc.edu | (305) 237- 2431 | 3348 |