Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Placement Guide for General Education Development (GED) Preparation Program

Students should obtain the following minimum scale scores on the TABE Forms 11 & 12 (Reading 576, and Math 596) in order to gain the most benefit from the GED preparation program. If a student scores these minimum scale scores or higher in one competency (reading or math) and less than the minimum in the other, the student can be enrolled in both GED and ABE programs of study as indicated by the individual test scores.

Students are placed in the appropriate level for each individual course. Refer to Course Placement Guide – GED Preparatory. If a student obtains a score that exceeds the scale score in one or more areas on the highest-level test of a series, the scores are reportable for placement. The OOR high score should be reported with a leading 9. A student at this level should be encouraged to take the GED® Ready tests and/or GED® tests.  Completion of the program is determined by earning the high school equivalency diploma through passing all subject areas of the GED® test.

GED0110 is the GED Comprehensive course.  To be eligible for enrollment in this course, students must place into ABE Level 5 or higher on at least one of the two skill areas (TABE Reading or Math) on the TABE and be enrolled in one of the Integrated Education & Training (IET) targeted college credit certificate or non-credit certification programs concurrently.

Placement in GED® Science, Social Studies and RLA will be based solely on attainment of ABE Level 5 or higher in Reading. As of Summer 2019, the TABE Language score is no longer applicable for placement in any GED® Preparation programs.

Course Placement Guide - GED Preparatory
Subject Area TABE Subtest Course Level Course Placement
GED Prep Reasoning through Reading 5 and 6 EDU 085
GED Prep Social Studies Reading 5 and 6 EDU 078
GED Prep Science Reading 5 and 6 EDU 079
GED Mathematical Reasoning Math 5 and 6 EDU 077
GED Educational Functional Levels
TABE Subject Area EFL Levels TABE 11 & 12
Math ABE Level 5 596 - 656
Math ABE Level 6 657 - 800
Reading ABE Level 5 576 - 616
Reading ABE Level 6 617 - 800