Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Placement Criteria Career and Technical Education Programs

This section is limited to MDC technical certificate programs with a MDC program code beginning with 5.

MDC administers TABE Forms 11 and 12.  The College follows the Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education recommendation of using TABE Level ‘A’ if the program completion levels are above ninth grade and TABE Level ‘D’ if the program completion is ninth grade or lower.  Level D may also be used for the higher grade levels on an as needed basis for post-testing purposes.  Completion of a prescribed remediation program consisting of at least 60 hours of instruction is required prior to retesting with a minimum 30-day period between retests.

View Alternative Methods

  • The same TABE Form and Level should not be administered within a six-month period. Remediation should include at least 60 hours of instruction between pre/and post-testing, using an alternate version of the TABE and at least 120 hours of instruction when using the same level and same form.
  • The TABE may not be used as a sole determinant for entry into a career and technical education program.

When a test administration results in a score, including those that begin with a “+” or “-“, that is within the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, the score is reported with a “0” in the first field followed by the three digit score. Students with an in-range high score (+) may be retested one time with a higher TABE Level without being assessed a retesting fee or placed in the highest valid level for the TABE level test.  The relationship between TABE scores and NRS levels can be found in Placement Criteria Appendix H

When a test administration results in a score that is lower than the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, and no score is provided or the score indicates a score of N/A, the score is reported with a “1” followed by the lowest score value for the TABE Level and Form. To assist with determining the correct out of range scores to report, refer to TABE Levels Literacy (L) and Easy (E) do not have OOR Low scores.  As of Summer 2023, there is no longer a difference between paper and online OOR scores.  Students with an out-of-range low or no score must be retested one time with a lower TABE Level no sooner than the next day and prior to enrollment or by the 100% refund date for the adult education term without being assessed a retesting fee.  If the retest results in another OOR score, place student into the lowest valid level of the lower TABE level test.

When a test administration results in a score that is higher than the allowable range for the Test Level and Form, and no score is provided, the score is reported with a “9” followed by the highest score value for the TABE Level and Form. To assist with determining the correct out of range scores to report, refer to the TABE OOR table in Appendix H (TABE Out-of-Range Low and High Score Reported and Retesting Guide).  TABE Level Advanced (A) does not have OOR High scores.  As of Summer 2023, there is no longer a difference between paper and online OOR scores.  Students with an out-of-range high or no score must be retested one time with a higher TABE Level no sooner than the next day and prior to enrollment or by the 100% refund date for the adult education term without being assessed a retesting fee.  If the retest results in another OOR score, place student into the highest valid NRS level of the higher TABE level test.  For example, if a student tests with form 11 medium level and gets an OOR High score, the student should retest at the difficult level form.  To see the appropriate forms, OOR scores, and NRS level for OOR, please refer to the NRS links in Placement Criteria Appendix H

Effective, May 3, 2022, students only need to demonstrate competence for basic skills purposes in either Reading or Language to meet the communications requirement.

Minimum basic skills levels as grade equivalents in mathematics, language, and reading are defined in each career certificate program. The Basic Skills and Licensure Exemption List that is used for meeting these requirements is available via State Rule 6A-10.040.  Refer to this list for minimum required basic skills grade levels to earn a certificate by program.  TABE 11&12 Grade Range Scale Score Guidance, TABE 11&12 Scoring Levels: Best Practice Guidelines, and TABE 11 & 12 Minimum Scale Score Requirements for Career and Technical Education Programs at Miami Dade College  are available via College’s TABE webpage. 

Agencies sponsoring career certificate seeking students may set higher requirements and exemptions for testing.

Students without sufficient English proficiency are referred to the Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program. Refer to Section IV-C. Students who have been identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) and adult students who are not proficient in English should also be provided with certain accommodations. Rule 6A-6.09091, F.A.C., Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners (ELL), provides examples of allowable accommodations for   students who are classified as ELLs and adult students who are not proficient in English.

  1. Students who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a standard diploma from a Florida public high school.  Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix B.  
    • Note: Home education students and students who earned a GED or a diploma from a private high school are not exempted from testing and developmental education.
  2. Students who are serving as active duty members of any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
  3. Students who have earned an associate degree or higher from an institution recognized by MDC (Except in specific situations such as certain programs sponsored by external funding agencies). Official documentation is required.  Students with foreign degrees from non-English speaking countries must present passing scores from MDC approved English proficiency examinations.  Refer to Section ll for examinations and passing scores. Students with foreign degrees from non-English speaking countries must present passing scores from MDC approved English proficiency examinations.  Refer to Section ll for examinations and passing scores.
  4. Students who present ACCUPLACER/PERT, ACT, CLT, SAT, or  scores which exempt them from developmental education placement as outlined in Section l are exempt from testing for career certificate programs.  Any score presented which is lower than the score needed for exemption will require the student to be tested on the appropriate TABE subtest(s).
  5. Students who present official scores on any of the SBOE approved examinations (including the ACCUPLACER) which demonstrate the skill level required by the specific program. The scores must have been obtained within the past two years.
  6. Students seeking entrance into the MDC School of Justice, Public Safety, and Law Studies Corrections or Basic Law Enforcement training programs are exempt from entry-level basic skills testing pursuant to 943.17(6) F.S. This exemption does not apply to the Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test requirement for entry into basic recruit training programs.  Students who are veterans or hold an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university are also exempt from the Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test requirement pursuant to 943.17 (1)(g).  The Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission sets the standards for their training programs.
  7. Adult students enrolled in a State approved apprenticeship program in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 446 are exempt from the requirement of taking the TABE test.
  8. Students who have successfully completed developmental education course requirements. Any skill area which has not been met will require the student to be tested on the appropriate TABE subtest(s).  Refer to the Exemption Course Grade Chart.
  9. Students who present official scores on the 2014 GED® Tests: Reasoning through Language Arts and Mathematical Reasoning where a minimum score of 145 has been attained on each test.   Any skill area which has not been met will require the student to be tested on the appropriate TABE subtest(s).  Note:  The Reasoning through Language Arts subtest is used for TABE Reading and Language.

Students who passed a State, national or industry licensure exam related to the program of study and identified by the Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education are exempt from meeting the basic skills exit score requirement in the related program. The identified credentialing examination has to be specific to the career and must be necessary in order to work in that field.  Documentation supporting the successful completion of the credentialing examination is required.  The  Basic Skills and Licensure Exemption List that is used for meeting this requirement is available via State Rule 6A-10.040.

  1. Students enrolled in a career certificate program as defined in Section 1004.02, F.S., offered for career education credit of 450 hours or more. Such students must complete an entry-level basic skills examination within the first six (6) weeks after admission into the program.
  2. Students whose TABE (or other approved examination) scores are more than two years old and have not been used for placement.
  3. Students whose TABE (or other approved examination) scores are more than two years old and who have had a break in their enrollment of more than one year.