
MDC’s AI Readiness Initiative:

Miami Dade College (MDC) is prioritizing students’ AI readiness skills through its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), aligning with its strategic plan. After extensive community input, the focus emerged as enhancing AI readiness across disciplines.

The QEP will focus on three student learning outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to identify fundamental concepts of AI.
  2. Students will analyze the ethical challenges and responsible use of AI.
  3. Students will apply AI technologies and tools in the learning environment.

MDC has identified two key strategies to achieve the QEP goal and student learning outcomes. The College will (1) integrate teaching practices focused on AI readiness skills and (2) facilitate co-curricular activities that promote AI readiness skills.

Read the executive summary of QEP Proposal - Executive Summary.

SACSCOC Standard 7.2 requires the College to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) as an integral component of the reaffirmation process. Derived from the College’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes, the QEP reflects and affirms MDC’s commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue that the College considers important to improving student learning outcomes and/or student success.

The QEP proposal must describe a five-year project focused on improvement of student learning or achievement, and must include goals, targeted outcomes, an assessment plan, an implementation plan, and a budget. Data analysis should be a part of conceptualizing the QEP, monitoring implementation, and measuring its impact in relation to the stated goals and objectives. The five-year project culminates in a QEP Impact Report, which is included with the College’s Fifth-Year Interim Report.


  • September 2024
    • Intensify campus engagement and familiarity with QEP
    • Prepare for SACSOC On-Site Peer Review
  • September 23-October 3, 2024
    • SACSOC On-Site Peer Review visit

Official start of the QEP is July 1, 2025.

QEP Year: July 1 - June 30

  • Year 0: 2024-2025
  • Year 1: 2025-2026
  • Year 2: 2026-2027
  • Year 3: 2027-2028
  • Year 4: 2028-2029
  • Year 5: 2029-2030
  • Fifth-Year Interim Report (QEP Impact Report) due September 2030
  • Dr. Barbara Rodriguez, Chair
  • Erin Bell, Director of Accreditation
  • Paola Documet, Executive Director of Student Success
  • Dr. Beverly Moore-Garcia, Campus President, West
  • Dr. Isabel Rodriguez-Dehmer, Professor of English & Communication
  • Wanda Smith, Vice Provost of Strategy & Institutional Effectiveness
  • Dr. Michaela Tomova, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs